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Winter blues? Plan a ceremony!


What a winter it's been. Frosty mornings, bundled-up days, and hot water bottle nights - it felt like it was never going to end. However, as I'm writing this, I can see the sun shining outside, and a few brave crocuses are poking their petals through the greening grass to say hello. Soon, the daffodils will be trumpeting their song, and spring will be in full flow.

Once we start seeing those warmer days, betrothed couples will begin to turn their minds towards their wedding plans, because soon, it will be wedding season.

Round about now, the bookings start coming through quickly for celebrants across the UK, and I am no exception. I have had a flurry of enquiries this week, which has prompted me to have another flick through all my ceremony materials - poetry, prose, love rituals, and I am ready for the season ahead.

At the start of every season, I always read one of my favourite poems for a love ceremony - whether that's a wedding, a vow renewal or a commitment ceremony. Undefined by e.e. cummings is a simple declaration of love, and I like the way this poem holds a promise for a couple within it. It also gets me in the mood for the year ahead.

Now I know I'm ready for wedding season - how about you?

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